The Website of the Windsor Badminton Club

Every Monday

7pm - 10pm 

(Except Bank holidays)

Windsor Leisure Centre

(usually 8 courts)

Tel: 01753 850 004

Map or Map

It is not necessary to pre-book but it can be busy.

Closed for Christmas 2007

(No badminton on December17th)

Starts Again January January 7th 2008


Club session extended to 10pm

Open Badminton Club

No Membership

Advantage Card Welcome

8 courts

New Players

New players are welcome from beginners to league players.
Plastic shuttles only.

 Phone the Leisure Centre for details, no membership or joining requirements.
Just turn up.

Contact coach for information on league matches


More Information, or send your News, Views, or Comments by email

Après Badminton

Some of us go to the Vansittart Pub see Map


Windsor Arts Centre closed 11pm December 14th

See WWW.SaveWindsorArtsCentre.Org


  Windsor Badmington Club

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